Thursday, July 19, 2018

A Long Overdue Update

There has been a lot happening behind the scenes here at Lay It Forward! Spring and summer are always busy times on the homestead, and this year is no exception. Between the garden, the chickens, and some new surprises, we've all been working hard to keep the farm running. Here's a peek at what we've been up to.

 Lay It Forward had its first big event, Market Day at our local Tractor Supply Company. We met some wonderful folks, made some great connections, and managed to sell completely out of our fund-raiser bags. No worries, as we're working on another batch right now.
Bekah during setup.  Can you spot Frigg relaxing in the background?
Sarah and Brosia (and of course Frigg) trying to beat the heat.
Buckle up for safety!

In other news, we now officially have a logo! A huge thanks to our friend Beck aka Graveyard Critter, who designed it for us. He's an awesome artist, and a dream to work with. Be sure to check him out!
We're official!

Finally, we're proud to announce the arrival of the farm's first goats, Maggie and Pan.  They are such a fun addition to the homestead, and already a cherished part of the family.  We're still working on building trust, but in the future you can come to expect some luxurious goat's milk soap courtesy of Miss Maggie on our fund-raising table.

Visiting Pan on the day he was born
Anais with Maggie and newborn Pan
Home at last!
Excuse me, do you have any raisins?
We have so much help with farm chores!

That's it for now!  Until next time, wishing you and yours all the best.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Meet the Laydies - Frigg

It's time to meet the Laydies!  First up is the lovely Frigg, our resident house chicken.  Due to a beak injury, she spends her days playing with the rest of the flock and her nights inside eating and drinking at her own pace.  Whenever allowed, we like to bring her along as the "henbassador" for our flock.

Frigg and Bekah

Name:  Frigg (named after a Norse goddess)

Breed:  Light Brahma

Origin:  Meyer Hatchery

Adoption Date:  June 12th, 2017

Bio:  Frigg was adopted, along with her brother and sisters, by a friend who was staying with us at the time.  When she moved out, Frigg and her siblings stayed with us.  Frigg enjoyed life on the homestead, until an unknown accident led to a broken beak.  We brought her into the house to nurse her back to health, and she never moved out.  She is unable to move her bottom jaw, so she takes longer to eat and drink than the other chickens.  She comes inside each evening to her own full bowl and a special waterer.  She still enjoys going out to visit with the other chickens, but always comes to the door before nightfall to be let back in.  Her favorite thing to do is lay on the ottoman in the living room.

Egg:  Frigg's eggs are easy to recognize, because they're always slightly flat on one side.  They tend to be lighter in color and covered in cute little speckles.  Have you discovered a Frigg egg in your carton?


If you would like to meet Frigg, she'll be at the Tractor Supply Co. in Massillon on May 12th for Market Day.  We'll be there too, of course, promoting Lay It Forward and selling homemade goodies to raise funds.  We hope to see you there!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

What Is Lay It Forward?

Welcome to the brand-new Lay It Forward blog!  If you're here, you've probably enjoyed a carton of eggs from our hens, or know someone who has.  We welcome you to get to know us, meet the lovely "laydies" who provide our eggs, and get an inside look at life on the homestead.  Our real goal here is to build community, so please feel free to comment.  We'd love to hear from you!

You may be wondering what Lay It Forward is all about.  Here's a little Q&A to explain some of the basics.

What is Lay It Forward?

Lay It Forward is a project dreamed up by four friends with a shared love of animals and simple living, with the goal of providing free eggs to individuals and families in need.

Who is behind it?

There are four of us who run this labor of love.  Our names are Brosia, Bekah, Sarah, and Crystal.  You can read more about us in our profile, or wait until we spotlight each person in the upcoming posts.

Why eggs?

There are few things better than a fresh egg from a happy chicken.  Not only are they better for you, but they taste delicious.  They are versatile, easy to prepare, and nutritious.  They are also a natural byproduct of keeping pet chickens, allowing us to offer them for free.

How can I get some?

Because this is a small-scale project, we can only offer eggs to people in North-Eastern Ohio.  We donate regularly to the S.A.L.T. Box Ministries in Canal Fulton, Ohio.  You can also arrange a pick-up by emailing us at anytime.

How can I help?

Right now, everything is funded by the four of us.  We stand firm that no one should ever have to pay for our eggs, but we're not above accepting donations.  If you have spare egg cartons, or even money for food and bedding, we'd happily put them to good use.